Sunday, July 13, 2014

Art Card Homeschool Fundraiser

Besides offering a coupon for 25% off in my Miscellaneous Juxtapositions Etsy store, I have set up a donation button through PayPal.  To everyone who donates $10+ I will mail an original Artist Trading Card.  Donations of $20 or greater will receive an original Art Card, plus a print and a laminated art print bookmark featuring my art.  The goal to get majority of the most needed items on the School Supplies List is close to $200, not including shipping.  If we have to make several separate shipments, I guess we could expect close to $50 in shipping expenses if they don't qualify for the Super Saver shipping.  We would like to purchase things in $30+ transactions to try to get the discount.  I'll say our goal is $300.

Miscellaneous Juxtapositions

Use the code "Back2School" July 13-Aug 18

The art cards will be chosen randomly, but I have several series available.  You can request a series, if available, I'll send it.  An Artist Trading Card is a miniature work of art.  Measuring at 2½"x3½", the same as a baseball card or other collectible.  They can fit into a standard card protector.  ATC's are rather popular, so there are even displays and frames for these sizes.  They can be any medium, just generally thin enough to fit in a sleeve.  There are even ATC sized canvases which can be mounted, framed or displayed on a miniature easel.  I love collecting art almost as much as making it.

Ripple Sketches - A series depicting the impact of oil spills on marine life through sushi, brocade and origami styled imagery.  This was originally created as part of a charity event, which is no longer accepting donations.

Frederick's of Hollywood - Collage and acrylics from a lingerie catalog.  Collage was something I always enjoyed, and as a young artist I would draw on magazines, altering the models.  This is reminiscent of that style but evolved.

Gel Pen - Only one remains of this series, a Golden Sun on black cardstock.

Mother's Day - Only one left in this series, a remembrance to missing and exploited children as a moment of silence for their mothers and families.

Fae series - An illustrated series with patterns and swirls and beautiful sprites, only two remain from this collection.

Hearthstone Cracked - This is my latest collection of Hearthstone cards.  The characters from the game take on a humorous spin.  They are available exclusively through my TwitchTV channel GillianIvyArt

** Hold on Amazon Wish List **

A generous friend is donating several boxes of school supplies which covers much of what is on the list.  If you wish to buy anything, please contact me first or a gift card instead.  I will be updating the goal/list once the items arrive.  It will clear a huge chunk out of the list.  Thank you (name withheld pending approval), your contribution is amazing and means so much to me.  I'm super excited and working hard on getting class ready.  I've been filling up my Pinterest board with tonnes of great resources and ideas.

Fundraiser for Chase's Homeschool


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Supplies List

It's school supply season, so here is a list of things we'll be needing this school year. I've been compiling a wish list on Amazon for the Second Grade school year.

  • Star Wars 2nd Grade Workbooks - Math/Writing/Reading
  • Common Core Math&ELA Workbooks/4Today Daily Practices
  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Workbooks
  • BrainQuest 2nd Grade Workbook/Q&A Packs
  • Science and Geography Workbooks
  • Cursive and Print Handwriting Practices
  • Wide/Primary Ruled Composition Books (6+) (2/5+)
  • Glue Sticks (multi-pack) (1/6+)
  • File Folders (manilla/pocket)
  • Wide Ruled Filler Paper
  • Construction Paper
  • Safety Scissors
  • Writing utensils - Pencils/Pens/Dry Erase Markers/Markers/Color Pencils/Crayons
  • Erasers
  • Stickers
  • Tape - Clear/Masking
  • Rubber Bands/Paper Clips
  • Pencil Pouch/Case (binder type preferred)
  • Posterboard/Bulletin board accessories
  • Art Supplies/Lesson plans
  • ...
I'd like to raise funds to purchase all our homeschool needs.  I am accepting donations via PayPal as well as offering artworks for sale on my Etsy site.  I also have a few resource items which I'll be adding to throughout the school year in my TpT storefront.

Any help to get supplies would greatly be appreciated.  I will try to keep the wishlist up to date on any items that have been purchased.  We plan to buy the Star Wars Workbooks first.