Rock Paper Feather: Quick Craft: Popsicle Stick Bookmarks: written by: Stacia Grafton
He is an avid reader, so one thing we can never have too many of? Bookmarks! These can be collected in a cup on his nightstand and be ready for any book he reads. The best part, polishing off some popsicles to get these sticks!
Tic Tac Toe Rocks Activity or Gift: written by: Megan Bray
Always collecting rocks and pebbles, this may be a fun activity for him to find use for them. Perhaps even painting the entire rock.
Decoupage Paint Stick Magnets: written by: Amy on Stow & Tell U
Marshmallow Shooters: written by: Heidi on Happiness is Homemade
This would just be super fun. Maybe more of a spring/summer activity, but one to keep in mind for the future. Edible ammo. This would pair nicely with our plans to build a Nerf obstacle course in the backyard.
Beautiful Wrapped Bottles: Found on, via Penelope and Pip (blog no longer active)
I think I'll have Chase make a entry for one or more of these. He loves the DIY and Life Hack type of things. Hands on learning is the best kind 💚