Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Bonus Sale on TpT

One day only!  Bonus Sale for August 19th, 2015.  Sitewide sale, perfect time to get extra curriculum readied.

My store will be 20% off all items.  Visit Gillian Ivy Chasing Grades on TpT.

As I create new assignments for Chase, I plan to upload more products to my store.  I hadn't updated in quite a while, just enjoyed my summer vacation...  But didn't really prepare.  I decided to start school next Monday instead of tomorrow like his original school's schedule is.  I'll need to adjust the calendar to reflect these changes, as that makes the end of the school year three days longer.

I saw wonderful tip, for the first two weeks of school, go over daily routines and procedures.  Perhaps this will help cement them in myself.  Kevin will be splitting some of the lesson plans with me, unlike last year, which was all me.  I got completely burned out.

Patience.  Breathe deep and relax.  Think I'll need a mantra.

We've ordered our books.  Trying DK Publishing's 3rd Grade workbooks.  They appear to have great ratings on Amazon.  I'm eager to check them out.  Perhaps I'll write a review once we've received them.  They'll possibly arrive on Monday.  Got my fingers crossed.  I've added the new workbooks as well as some of my wishlist items to my Chasing Grades Amazon Associate Store.  Support my homeschool by purchasing your workbooks and more through our school store.

I do have a duplicate workbook, BrainQuest Grade 2, from last year that was given to me.  I think I'll hold a giveaway for this.  Don't know how much it would cost to ship it.  I'll have to inquire at the Post Office.  I've set up a Rafflecopter thing for this.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Third Grade Approaches

I have been absolutely terrible at updating this blog.  I guess I've had a fairly unproductive 2nd Grade year with creating anything for my TeachersPayTeachers account, which is part of the purpose of this blog.  Besides talking about the struggles we're having with homeschool and some of our wins.

Last year was a mix of highs and lows.  The year started out great, but then I made the mistake of enrolling in an online college program to study comic books and graphic novels as literature and art.  It was an exceptional class, which I really enjoyed and even wrote a little mini-comic from it.  However, because of my lack of attentiveness for those 6 weeks of studying, Chase regressed into an uncooperative state and the rest of the year was a battle.  He would spend 1-2 hours on a single assignment, refusing to write a single word.  Sitting there, doing nothing, no matter how much I asked him to or offered rewards and punishments.

I could sit right beside him telling him what to write for each word, but it was an endless struggle.  These assignments would take him less than 5 minutes if he were actually just doing them.  School dragged on as a daily chore of frustration and anger.  School became like a punishment.  Only towards the end of the year did we seem to be getting through to him that he must do the work and stop causing our stress levels to peak.  Perhaps the goal of summer was his beacon.

He doesn't want to go to Public school, and he honestly is not ready.  The aides assigned to us at NISEC have done absolutely nothing.  They haven't even returned my e-mail.  They were supposed to schedule an interview with an IEP school, where Chase could attend partial days with peers who were also struggling with adapting to school.  In a class with only a handful of students instead of more than 20.  And a teacher who is trained to help students with special needs.

I'm fairly certain that Chase is Asperger's.  I've looked at the signs and he seems to exhibit all of them.  I've addressed this with NISEC, but they haven't referred us to anyone to get him examined.  We don't really know what to do to help him.  Other than be cheery every day, grin and bear it and really pour my entire life and free time into teaching.

I feel selfish and uninspired.  I can't draw.  I can't create.  I'm constantly stressed and public school would be worse.  We had such anxiety every day during the first 2 months of Kindergarten where he was sent home constantly.

So, I must ready myself within the next few days.  I've filled in the school calendar and school begins on Wednesday by Tri-Creek Elementary's schedule.  We've been using theirs.  Of course, we don't have to.  But it is easy to track if I'm following theirs.  In case I skip marking the attendance record.  Last year, I used Class Dojo's records, but it is really inadequate.  I've sent them a suggestion to improve that which they replied it would be something they would work on as a new feature.  I like them and do intend to use them again.

I'll be using Sokikom, Scootpad and Class Dojo again this year as my main online school apps.  I've enjoyed each of them and they all have excellent content.  I may use Glogster again as well.

Ah, righ tnow, I should be getting our school station prepared, rather than bloggin here about it....